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DATE'  會茶


一口茶 兩顆心 三倍珍惜 - 這是我與你的DATE'
品牌早期追朔至1926年連勝製茶廠,為當時全台最知名的茶廠之一,至今傳承四代,延續百年製茶工藝。從品牌命名到識別設計,延伸整體包裝規劃,我們將茶字符號化,層層的象徵茶園、梯田,讓茶與人之間連結緊密,洗禮出自然與人文的共生關係。「每一次品茶如同每一次約會」將此概念延伸設計,創造了專屬於各種心情符號及配色,使品牌呈現多樣貌及有趣的情感傳遞。 悠久歷史的「茶」飲不僅只是外貌與經濟的代名詞,而傳遞背後重要的精神「珍惜人與人之間的交流」,賦予飲茶文化新時代意義。

One sip of tea, two hearts are linked, three times of cherishing – this DATE' belongs to you & me

DATE' originated from LienSheng Tea Factory since 1926, one of the most famous tea factory in Taiwan. The 10-decade culture of tea making process has been inherited to the 4th generation. We open up from the brand name, “tea” is not only a represent of international trading and economy but also deliver the spirit of interaction between people. We hope to find a peaceful corner in our busy lives, and cherish the moment surrounded by people we care about, that is the most important value that “tea” culture brings to us.
We symbolize Chinese word 茶(tea), immersed with the landscape of tea field which builds the connection with people, refines symbiosis between nature and human beings.“Every single sip of tea is like every single date”. We extend the concept and create series of emoji to enrich the vigorous style of the brand.

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